Initially released in 2006 as an internal company product to secure an Internet gateway, NSPM is one of the results of my master degree training period, whose objectives were to implement monitoring and security solutions. During the following years I was told by several people how interesting it would be to make it an open-source software since such solution for standalone web-based Iptables administration did not actually exist. Thanks to the kind publication authorization that I was given, it could be released in 2009 under GPL licensing with out-of-work further development and support.
Special thanks
- TDF: European media broadcaster and digital services provider
- Project logo includes an original "Tux" creation by Halit Yesil from Tux Factory (Creative Commons)
- Software "Silk icons" are designed by Mark James from FamFamFam (Creative Commons)
- Software and website include KDE icons by Everaldo Coelho from Crystal Project (GPL)
- Software interface and website layout use graphics and style elements from Joomla! templates (GPL)
- Website integrated board system is developed by Thomas Varghese from CodeClassic (GPL)