This project was initially designed to provide an online interface to the Linux Netfilter/Iptables firewall, and this without prior knowledge of the related CLI commands and options. Different interfaces already exist but most of them require a fresh install of a specific Linux distribution such as the well-known IPCop, need an existing Webmin-like core component, or must be run under X environment. For those who want to keep their own Linux flavor, already have a panel of services running on their gateway, or only need to easily and remotely administrate their firewall through a standard web browser, this application should fit their needs.
Technical overview
- Fully compatible with your current Linux distribution
- No installation nor exotic package required
- Direct integration with Linux kernel and binaries
- No Iptables commands knowledge required
- Full-featured PHP5 and templates-oriented web application
- No database, hooks or external scripts needed
- Standards compliant and accessibility-oriented interface
Features overview
- System health, network interfaces and services status display
- Monitor and block current incoming and outgoing connections
- Manage default firewall policies by chain and table
- View, create, edit, duplicate and reorder filter and NAT rules
- Disable rules when not needed and re-enable them later
- Automatic composition of advanced filtering options
- Fully compatible with classic Iptables CLI use
- Transactional configuration with session commit and rollback
What this software is not
- A full security product: it relies on Linux Iptables and just provides an end-user interface
- A zero-knowledge product: networking basics and Iptables mechanisms notions required
- A "click & play" preconfigured product: firewall rules are only yours and depend on your security policy